Clone a Virtual Machine is the mechanism
that allows to use an existing virtual machine to create a copy of
The cloning process copies all existing disks (And the data in
them), such as CPU and memory configurations of a virtual
machine to another.
This task may take considerable time depending on the size of
the disks to copy.
Two virtual machines can not have the same IP addresses,
because of this, upon completion of the cloning process, you
must assign IP addresses to the new virtual machine.
The cloning process can be useful in the following scenarios:
Perform a total backup of a virtual machine.
For this task you can also consider making a Snapshot.
If you have already configured software on a virtual machine,
you can use as a template to create new virtual machines through
cloning, thus avoiding having to configure the software again on
each new virtual server.
Create a test environment without affecting existing
production system.